Opus Dei News
It is a way to stay informed with the events of Opus Dei and spread the message that work and the circumstances of everyday life are occasions for growing closer to God, serving others and improving society.

St. Josemaria HD (Android Tablets)
This application helps you to do your daily “Plan of Life” or “The Norms of Piety”.
All of St. Josemaría’s writings, plus the New Testament, the Holy Rosary and many other devotions are all available at your finger tips.
With our busy schedules this application can definitely help you complete your norms.

St. Josemaria
This application helps you do your daily “Plan of Life” or “The Norms of Piety”.
All of St. Josemaría’s writings, plus the New Testament, the Holy Rosary, and many other devotions are all available at your finger tips.
With your busy schedules this application can definitely help you complete your norms.

Way of the Cross
Stations of the Cross (or Way of the Cross; in Latin, Via Crucis; also called the Via Dolorosa or Way of Sorrows, or simply, The Way) refers to the depiction of the final hours (or Passion) of Jesus, and the devotion commemorating the Passion.

Holy Rosary
Holy Rosary Deluxe for iPhone and iPod Touch is an inspiring way to reflect upon the Mysteries from the life of Jesus Christ. This app is perfect for catechism students who have trouble remembering all of their prayers, or for your own personal daily worship.