St. Josemaría

[tab:Description] This application will help you live your Christian faith in your ordinary occupations and follow a personalized spiritual program with the hand of St. Josemaría. Available in English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, French and Italian Includes the following: • Books

Agenda – Taxi

Tu Agenda de Formación Humana y Profesional.
Es para personas emprendedoras que quieren progresar mas rápidamente. Si piensas y sientes de esa manera, eres la persona para quien hemos preparado esta agenda.


Interesting and entertaining story of brave ants that shows the teamwork and what they do to get rid of their aggressor, share some pleasurable moment with your children reading this epic story and enjoying the excellent illustrations that accompany it.

Nuevo iBook Gratuito: Hormigas Valientes


Interesante y entretenida historia que muestra el trabajo en equipo que hacen las valientes hormigas para liberarse se su malvado agresor.

Comparte un momento agradable junto con tus hijos leyendo esta épica historia y disfrutando de las excelentes ilustraciones.

New iBook – The Alphabet

The alphabet is a book fantastic of learning, was developed with the purpose of encourage children and to know the ABC of a form more easy and friendly.