St. Josemaría
[tab:Description] This application will help you live your Christian faith in your ordinary occupations and follow a personalized spiritual program with the hand of St. Josemaría. Available in English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, French and Italian Includes the following: • Books

Agenda – Taxi
Tu Agenda de Formación Humana y Profesional.
Es para personas emprendedoras que quieren progresar mas rápidamente. Si piensas y sientes de esa manera, eres la persona para quien hemos preparado esta agenda.

Holy Rosary HD
Holy Rosary HD for iPad is an inspiring way to reflect upon the Mysteries from the life of Jesus Christ. This app is perfect for catechism students who have trouble remembering all of their prayers, or for your own personal daily worship.

Angelus for iPad
The Angelus is a Marian devotion in memory of the incarnation. It takes its name from its first words in the Latin version, Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariæ. It consists of three texts that summarize the mystery. It recited in a

St. Josemaria – iPad
All of St. Josemaría’s writings, plus the New Testament, the Holy Rosary and many other devotions are all available at your finger tips.
This application helps you to do your daily “Plan of Life” or “The Norms of Piety”.